
If you made mistakes as a teenager that could potentially hurt your career as an adult, learn from my family's experience on how to help with that situation.

Understanding Terms Used In A Social Security Disability Case

19 July 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

As is the case with all branches of law, social security law has no shortage of terms that are only used with social security law. For example, the Social Security agency (or SSA) uses a grid and listings to determine what if any work you can do. If you received a denial letter from the SSA, and you think the denial was given in error, then you need to understand how the SSA makes their decisions, so you can understand what you need to do to contest your denial: Read More …

Can You Still Get A Divorce If You Can’T Find Your Spouse?

10 July 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Sometimes couples wind up separating rather than divorcing. One spouse may abandon the other, or both may agree that they can't stay together but that divorce is not practical for some reason, such as a lack of money. Over time you could lose track of the spouse you separated from, which can cause problems if you do decide that you need to file for divorce. But even if you don't know where your spouse is living now, you can still get a divorce. Read More …

Seeking Immigration? Why You Should Hire An Attorney

6 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you're seeking to become a citizen yourself, or you have a loved one who is looking to immigrate, it can be quite difficult to navigate the world of immigration alone.  The field is governed by a distinct set of rules and regulations that, for many people, can be difficult to understand.  While it's possible to seek immigration on your own, it might prove to be a better idea for you to hire an attorney. Read More …

Using A Payroll Service For Your Company

2 July 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Managing the payroll for your company can be a lot of work and if you do not understand all the regulations surrounding payroll and employee wages, it can be difficult and time consuming for you to get right. There are some options that you can use to help make it easier but it will still require some time dedicated to payroll and learning the rules governing it. If you are looking for a better option, you might want to consider using a payroll service to help you. Read More …

How Employer Badmouthing Can Lead to Financial Loss

27 June 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

It's normal for an employer to admonish an errant employee; no employee should be left to act as they wish. However, some employer actions go beyond admonishment and enter the realm of defamation. For example, an employer who calls you a good-for-nothing thief when you really aren't a thief is defaming you. Such employer actions can cause you financial loss in various ways. For example, it can lead to: Loss of Promotion Read More …

About Me
teenage mistakes that could ruin adult careers

My son has had the goal of becoming an attorney since he was about 14 years old. Unfortunately, he made a very poor decision with a group of friends when he was 16 that put his future plans in jeopardy. When my son told me what had happened and we received the citation, I knew that we had to hire an attorney to help him through this. I could not see how a small incident such as this should hurt his chances for success when he is an adult. Thankfully, things worked out for us, but it was a long journey which you can follow on our blog.