
If you made mistakes as a teenager that could potentially hurt your career as an adult, learn from my family's experience on how to help with that situation.

Suing A Close Friend Due To Injuries? Don’t Ruin Your Case With These Improper Actions

29 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Most people count on close friends when bad things happen. However, when a close friend is the one at fault for an event that's left you with cuts, broken bones, or more serious injuries, it's hard to know what your next steps are. In fact, because someone you trusted is responsible for injuries you're dealing with, you're probably more likely to commit the following misdeeds even after you've decided to sue. Read More …

3 Must-Know Tips For Your Dog Bite Case

26 June 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Dog bite cases are unfortunate instances in which injuries can be significant. When you reach out to a dog bite lawyer and fight for your rights, you'll be able to pay for all of the damages that you suffered as a result of the dog bite. It's important that you hold the owner accountable, while also being mindful of the details and decisions that will prove and win your case. To learn a little bit more about the process and how to go about it, read on. Read More …

5 Signs You Should Fight Your DUI Charge

26 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you are currently waiting to go to court for a DUI charge, you might not be sure of how you should proceed. You could be thinking about going to court and pleading guilty, but many people are better off fighting their charges. These are a few signs that you should fight your DUI charge. 1. You Drive for a Living If you are someone who drives for a living, whether you're a long distance truck driver or someone who delivers pizzas, then you probably know how much your life will be affected if you are convicted of a DUI. Read More …

Safeguard Your Business With A Trademark Attorney

25 March 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Trademark attorneys are a vital part of the team; however, many people can benefit from the services of one of these attorneys, but they don't always realize it. If you are a new business owner, you need a trademark attoreny. Learn just some of the reasons why you need to enlist the services of one of these professionals. Trademark Searching In the world of business, trademarks are a very important factor. Read More …

Things To Consider When You Are Thinking About Emancipation

25 February 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Families are often thought of as the building blocks of society, but not every home is a happy one. Some teenagers find themselves in situations where they might be better off living apart from their family. In certain situations, taking legal action to make the separation permanent may be required. This separation is completed by filing for emancipation. If you are thinking about emancipation, there are some important factors you should consider prior to legally filing a petition with the court. Read More …

About Me
teenage mistakes that could ruin adult careers

My son has had the goal of becoming an attorney since he was about 14 years old. Unfortunately, he made a very poor decision with a group of friends when he was 16 that put his future plans in jeopardy. When my son told me what had happened and we received the citation, I knew that we had to hire an attorney to help him through this. I could not see how a small incident such as this should hurt his chances for success when he is an adult. Thankfully, things worked out for us, but it was a long journey which you can follow on our blog.