
If you made mistakes as a teenager that could potentially hurt your career as an adult, learn from my family's experience on how to help with that situation.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer If I Sprained My Ankle at Work?

1 February 2024
 Categories: Law, Blog

Accidents happen, and unfortunately, they can occur anywhere. You may have suffered a sprained ankle while working on the job. In such a case, it is reasonable to wonder whether you need a personal injury lawyer or not.  Clarifying the Incident When you suffer a sprained ankle at work, the first thing you need to do is report the incident to your supervisor. This report will document the details of the incident, including who witnessed it and when it occurred. Read More …

When Is It Time to Hire a Family Lawyer?

15 January 2024
 Categories: Law, Blog

Legal problems can be stressful, especially when it is a family issue. Whether it is a divorce, a child custody case, or a dispute with an ex-spouse over support payments, family law can be complex, and the outcomes can significantly affect your future. As such, it is crucial to know when to hire a family lawyer to help you navigate such cases. In this blog post, we will discuss some signs that it is time to hire a family lawyer. Read More …

Signs You Need A Lawyer For The Child Custody Issues In Your Divorce

10 November 2023
 Categories: Law, Blog

Divorce can be a stressful and difficult process, especially if children are involved. One of the biggest challenges divorcing couples face is determining child custody arrangements. If you're currently going through a divorce and are dealing with child custody issues, you may be wondering if you need a lawyer. This blog will discuss the signs that you need a lawyer for child custody issues in your divorce. Your Ex Is Uncooperative Read More …

Why You Should Hire A Truck Accident Lawyer

10 November 2023
 Categories: Law, Blog

It's widely known that being involved in a truck accident can have profoundly devastating consequences. Not only can it result in severe injuries and property damage, but the legal aftermath can also be stressful and overwhelming. If you've been involved in a truck accident, hiring a truck accident lawyer can be instrumental in getting the compensation you deserve. This blog post will explore the reasons why hiring a truck accident lawyer is a crucial step in navigating the legal process after a truck accident. Read More …

Why Hiring a Custody Lawyer is Important When Modifying Custody Rights

2 October 2023
 Categories: Law, Blog

Children are the most important aspect of a parent's life, and their well-being should always come first. However, when it comes to modifying custody rights, emotions can run high, and the process can be stressful and overwhelming. This is why hiring a custody lawyer to assist you through this process is crucial. In this blog post, we will go through the benefits of hiring a custody lawyer when modifying custody rights. Read More …

About Me
teenage mistakes that could ruin adult careers

My son has had the goal of becoming an attorney since he was about 14 years old. Unfortunately, he made a very poor decision with a group of friends when he was 16 that put his future plans in jeopardy. When my son told me what had happened and we received the citation, I knew that we had to hire an attorney to help him through this. I could not see how a small incident such as this should hurt his chances for success when he is an adult. Thankfully, things worked out for us, but it was a long journey which you can follow on our blog.