teenage mistakes that could ruin adult careers

If you made mistakes as a teenager that could potentially hurt your career as an adult, learn from my family's experience on how to help with that situation.

3 Things To Avoid During The Divorce Process

25 April 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Ending a marriage is not an easy process. Not only can it be emotionally draining, but divorce can also cause physical and financial stress. Thankfully, you can reduce the stress of dissolving a marriage. With this guide, you will learn how to avoid common mistakes made during the divorce process. Changing your Mind Dissolving a marriage will be an emotional roller coaster. You may have some questions and even doubts during the process. Read More …

Child Custody Attorney Or Guardian Ad Litem: How To Make Sure He/She Does The Job

24 April 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Most child custody attorneys, or guardians ad litem, are assigned to divorcing couples to represent the best interests of the children in court. This often brings about some very negative feelings because most parents tend to believe that no one else knows what is best or better for their children than they themselves. While that is often true, you have to think of the guardian ad litem as a placeholder for where your children would sit in court if they were allowed to be in attendance. Read More …

Why You Should Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer For Your Disability Lawsuit Team

20 April 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Usually, most people just hire a disability lawyer for their problems with disability claims. However, if your disability is the direct result of injuries at work, you might want a legal team to double up and work on this problem for you. There are some good reasons why hiring a personal injury lawyer and a disability lawyer together is a good idea. The Personal Injury Lawyer Can Verify Your Injuries as Debilitating Read More …

This Isn’t Working Out: 4 Steps To Help Your Children Deal With A Divorce

20 April 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Divorce can be extremely difficult, especially on children. If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, you'll need to take additional steps to make sure that your children are protected. Here are four strategies that will help them through the changes that are occurring in their lives. Be Honest with Them When it comes to divorce, the best thing you can do for your children is be honest. Read More …

Two Tips To Help You Get A Personal Injury Attorney On A Budget

19 April 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Being hurt at the hands of someone else can be very devastating. Whether it's a car accident that wasn't your fault or even a slip-and-fall incident, you could be left with scars that will last a lifetime. While the other party's insurance company might be pushing you to settle, you should know that you need legal counsel. The only thing standing in your way is a lack of financial resources. You think that you just don't have the money at your disposal to get a personal injury attorney on your side. Read More …

About Me
teenage mistakes that could ruin adult careers

My son has had the goal of becoming an attorney since he was about 14 years old. Unfortunately, he made a very poor decision with a group of friends when he was 16 that put his future plans in jeopardy. When my son told me what had happened and we received the citation, I knew that we had to hire an attorney to help him through this. I could not see how a small incident such as this should hurt his chances for success when he is an adult. Thankfully, things worked out for us, but it was a long journey which you can follow on our blog.